Sunday, April 13, 2008

A Woman Belongs on a Throne

Finally, friends, here I am!

I have been promising for a while now to create a new journal/blog completely dedicated to the "Princess Warrior for Christ" theme.

For those of you who are new to me and my message, you might want to visit my OTHER BLOG at

There you can read my everyday ramblings as an imperfect, zany, and loving woman of God. Yes, I'm a daughter of the King of Kings and my writings all somehow, someway, end up pointing back to the love of my life, Jesus Christ.

But don't let any preconceived ideas of Christianity fool you. Hopefully, you will be pleasantly surprised to discover that I struggle daily with things like unbelief, anger, gluttony (yep, that's a biggie) and much, much more. HOWEVER, thankfully, my growing understanding of who I am in Christ helps me better embrace His plan and purpose for my life.

A few additional facts:

I'm a single mom of two mostly darling kids (ages 9 and 15) Yes, I know, lovely age gap. Oh, did I mention the youngest is a girl and the oldest a teen boy. Need I say more?

I'm a published author and inspirational (transformational) speaker. Currently, I'm on pins and needles as two large Christian publishers are considering two new book projects. One book is all about this reigning real stuff, another about removing our phony masks so we can be really real. Hum ... anyone sensing a theme here?

Before Christ, well, that's a story for another day. Let's just say: major druggie, relationship junkie (addicted to love in all the wrong places), angry and mean, afraid and phony, are some words and phrases that easily describe my younger years.

My day job (no, I'm not yet supporting myself wholly by writing and speaking) is in the social service field where I get to help people who were just like me find a better way to live.

My ministry involvement is with Bethany House, a home for single, pregnant women that have nowhere to go. I have served as their Outreach Coordinator and Spokesperson for a number of years. To learn more about this amazing program check out:

Well, that's a start. I'm a little tired as it's, goodness, after 2:30 AM. I love to read and write late at night. Not a good habit during weekdays.

I'll look forward to chatting more. God bless you and goodnight. Sweet Dreams ....


Dale said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. I look forward to continued conversation. God bless.

Dale said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. I look forward to continued conversation. God bless.

Dale said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. I look forward to continued conversation. God bless.

Dale said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. I look forward to continued communication with you. God bless.