Monday, April 30, 2018

Exciting News!

I am excited to share that I will be releasing a new book soon. This story is a bit different from the other spiritual warfare, Soul Defenders' series. Guardian Watchers is more fantasy/speculative fiction/with a touch more romance. I think guys will still enjoy, but it is definitely a book women will  relate too. 

As with the Soul Defenders' books, the foundation is based on God's truth and has a great deal to do with trusting in Him. 

Think of Abraham and Sarah. They got tired of waiting and attempted to use her servant to force God's promise for a child, pushing for the birth to take place in their time-frame not His. The results, as I'm sure you recall, ended up rather 'messy,' to say the least. 

God knows what He is doing. 

When we try to interfere, imposing our will (as if we can actually do such a thing) on God's divine purpose, we will never come out ahead. 

Guardian Watchers takes this theme to a whole new level. Let your imagination run wild!

I promise I'll share more teasers and tidbits as the release date draws closer. The next step will be the big COVER REVEAL. I'll have some fun contests and other giveaway goodies down the road as well. 

The third installment for the Soul Defenders series, subtitled Cartel, is on the table, as well as, the long overdue Reign Real: Becoming a Princess Warrior for Christ (non-fiction). If you read my previous post, you will know why these projects are so delayed.

The book covers for Soul Defenders: Cartel and Reign Real have been revealed already, so take a peek!

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