Monday, September 10, 2012

Remembering 9/11

I wrote the following article in 2008. It still stands true today, four years later. 

I can't believe it has been seven years ago that tragedy struck our beloved homeland. Like most people, I can remember exactly where I was that mornng.
Getting ready for work, I'd stepped out of the shower and heard the radio announcer say that the World Trade Center had been hit by a plane. At first, it appeared that it might have been a horrible accident. I had to hurry to work, but in the car, as I continued to listen to live news, I realized that this was no accident. Our nation was under attack and no one seemed to know by who.
At work, we all sat open-mouthed in front of the TV speculating about what was going on. World War III was mentioned more than once. Outside the skies were abmormally silent as planes had been banned from flying. Our nation was in shock, mourning, and fear. Yet, there was something else growing beneath the surface and in the hearts of men and women everywhere -- a sense of commonality and love for country -- our country ... a desire to help others and support those who were hurting. People forgot about East Coast/West Coast, we were, after all, one nation under God.
Today, sadly, our nation appears to be split right down the middle, and the political climate is scorching with fiery rhetoric from the right and the left. Our enemy is still out there and we are so busy bickering among each other we have forgotten on some level that we are ONE NATION.
As a Christian woman, I am thankful that I can see meaning and purpose through these dark times. God is still moving and eternity awaits His children. Right now, on this historic day, I choose to love others as God intends. I choose not to engage in political debates. I choose to pray for all our leaders whether I agree with them or not. I choose to honor the brave men and women who are fighting for my freedom here and abroad. I choose to pray for my enemies. May God change their hearts.
For one day, can we just love? I believe we can. God bless you.

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