Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter: New Beginnings in Christ!

He is Risen! Christ has defeated sin and death, giving us a brand new lease on life. What a great time to plan, prepare, and pray for new beginnings. Is it time for you, precious Princess Warrior, to take that next step up? A step up and out in faith, walking boldly in your calling ...

Personally, I find Spring a perfect time to consider new beginnings. An article, I orginally wrote for the New Year, fits perfectly now as we celebrate the new beginnings Christ provides for us every day. Let's celebrate the fact that he left His grave clothes behind and embraced life eternal for us.

Simply click on the following link to connect to my article on new beginnings:


Tara said...

Carol, I just discovered your blog. Love it!!!

Toyin O. said...

Yes, it is time to embrace new beginnings in the strenght of our saviour. Thanks for sharing.