Sunday, February 22, 2009

Hurts, Hang ups, and Habits

Hurts, hang ups, and habits: three "H" words we are all plagued by in one form or another.
We all carry hurts from our pasts, struggle with annoying hang ups, and sometimes dangerous habits. As Princess Warriors for Christ, it is critical that we find ways to release our hurts, hang ups, and habits to our King, trading them for freedom, righteousness, and peace.

As I've shared before, in my past, I was held captive by some very serious habits. Addicted to drugs, destructive relationships, and a horrible disposition that included anger, rage, depression, and fear, I wasn't very fun to be around. Needless to say, freedom was but a fantasy until I found my Savior, Jesus Christ. The funny thing, though, as we release and surrender specific H-words that haunt us, more seem to reveal themselves. Kind of like the peeling of an onion, layer after layer, the onion unravels revealing yet another layer. So it is with our lives.

Maybe you've dealt with your tendency to overspend, overeat, overreact, you fill in the blank -- we all over do something, don't we? But I have a suspicion that you, too, like me find that there are still other hurts, hang ups, and habits to deal with.

God has led me into a new season of healing. As a person in leadership, who councils others, and speaks to women, it is easy to focus on others. I love giving away God's glorious goodies. Yet, sometimes, more often would be better, I need to slow down and evaluate the sinfulness that has crept up in my own life.

A few weeks ago, I visited a wonderful, Christ-centered program that helps people deal with their "H words." In fact, that's where I first heard of the horrible H-Trio (hurts, hang ups, and habits). The program, Celebrate Recovery, is designed for any person seeking greater healing and freedom in his or her life. Some of their options are recovery from: chemical dependency and alcohol, food addiction (that's the one I joined), Codependency issues, past hurts and emotional trauma, etc. In other words, there are plenty of places to "fit in." I think a majority of us, if we're honest with ourselves, might be able to relate to more than one category. I know I did.

Certainly, not everyone will like this particular program or format, but I have to say, I've been diving into my Bible and going deeper than ever. That can't be a bad thing! Regardless, we all need others to walk with us on our journey of healing. Like Esther, who had to go through a long year of preparation and training prior to becoming queen, we, too, must prepare to serve our Lord and King as Princess Warriors. This isn't a one time deal, either. It is a process of growth, little by little, that brings us closer to our calling. Once we complete one task successfully, God will surely have more for us to accomplish.

So, again I ask you - what hurts, hang ups, and habits are getting in the way of you successfully reigning real for Christ? Is there an area of bondage, a bad attitude, an unhealthy habit that keeps you from more of Him? Don't try and hide it; find a safe person, program, group, to share and partner with as you prepare to follow Christ to a whole new level. As humans, in a fallen world where sin rules, we need all the help we can get. In order to help others reign real, we must allow others to help us.

If you're interested in learning more about Celebrate Recovery just follow the link.

God bless you Princess Warriors.

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